Montag, 3. Dezember 2012


07h of Nov. 2012 from 10-11am
at the London College of communication room D112

- Contains -

3 framed images:
• "Craft" - set & printed with my letterforms 
• The alphabet 

 1 Visual Summary book
1 Report book + 2 copies
1 A2 Final outcome book + 1 copie for the degree show
1 Process book with all the letterpress measurements and making off processes

click here for my work on the London College of Communications website.

All of these publications are hand-bound with "coptic-stich-book-binding"

MA Show @ LCC

You can find all of our final work of the postgraduate year 2012 : MA Graphic Design 

This is where you can find my project in specific and more pictures of the final show.

Dienstag, 27. November 2012

Perspective / Position & Space

This project was our workshop option during my MA study @ the London College of Communication

My brief told me to create an identity and individual signage for a museum space. I decided to create my final piece in form of an hanging installation which is only visible in the dark and from a specific point of view/position to stand.

The model is build with "mini glow stick" to demonstrate how the big Installation with GLASS-LIGHT TUBES would look like, if really produced.

Final sign (no photoshop used)

Mini glow sticks

From above:

From the side :

From the right angle:

From the wrong angle:

The final piece would be in form of real glass-light-tubes

making process of the installation side pieces to hang my glow sticks: